0702598439 kingdomcofeeug@gmail.com
  • CSR

    We help former acquire farm inputs to improve yields as required by the regulator.

  • Sub Title

    Farmer Partnerships

    We purchases coffee directly from farmers in all Regions of Uganda and sells it to both local and international markets.

    Farmer Partnerships
  • Processing and Quality Control

    After harvesting,  kingdom coffee  handle the processing of coffee beans, which includes washing, drying, and milling. They ensure quality control standards are met to produce coffee that meets both local and international market demands.

    Processing and Quality Control
  • Research and Development

    We invest in research to develop better coffee varieties, improve yields, and combat challenges like pests, diseases, and climate change. This research helps improve the overall productivity and sustainability of the coffee sector.

    Research and Development

    Kingdom coffee

    ..The Coffee You Deserve..